Septic Service Tacoma

Are you a homeowner in the Tacoma, Ruston, Parkland or Fircrest area? If so, even though Tacoma is one of the top three population areas in the state with 219,205 residents within city limits, there are a lot of homes that are not connected to the city sewer system and are on septic instead. Farmland homes are the most likely to be on septic since they are often far away from the grid, but even suburban communities built in recent decades may be on septic as well. If your home is on septic, not only will it need to be pumped eventually after enough use, but any issues that arise with clogs, leaks or pipe breaks will be entirely your responsibility to fix. That means you need to have a reliable septic company who you can always call and know will give you a fair price, and do excellent work. Upfront Septic is here to fill that need! 

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Septic Tank Service Tacoma

While the everyday user experience of being in a home on septic is generally the same as being in a home on a city sewer system, that will change very quickly if the septic tank fills up entirely or if you get a clog in a critical underground pipe. You may find that some or all of the drains in your home suddenly become plugged, and at worst you may even get sewage coming back up out of the sinks, bathtub and shower in your home. This means that when something goes wrong with your septic system, you need service as soon as possible, and that means you need a go-to company you can call to take care of standard pumping, but that can also fix your septic issues as needed. We’re locally owned in Pierce County and live here too, and have the licensing, insurance and training to properly service your septic tank, lines and entire system. We also provide standard pumping services, so no matter the issue with your septic that you’re encountering, we can handle it.

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Most High Quality Septic Services in Tacoma
Budget Friendly
Locally Owned
Repairs & More
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“Their customer service was excellent, they were super responsive, and reasonably priced. The thing that was the best for me was that everyone was so personable and didn't make me feel stupid for asking questions, and also made me feel like I wasn't getting taken advantage of!”

Brooke in Tacoma

Upfront Septic Isn’t Just Another Septic Company

We’ve heard many worrying and frustrating tales from our customers about the problems they encountered with other septic companies, and have made it our goal to be a step above. For instance, Rebecca told us this about her last septic company that stopped responding to her: “Over 4 months since I had my septic drained and was told of a possible water clog issue they’d come back to fix. Had been trying to get the company back out for over 3 months with no update on my property’s progress. Septic has been opened and exposed to elements this entire time.” This is obviously a worst case scenario, but even if it’s not literal months of delay, we hear a lot about other companies not arriving on time, doing repairs incorrectly and causing more problems in the process, and leaving properties in a messy, gross state after they finish. We put your needs first above all else, which means being on time, doing our work with excellence and care, and leaving your home cleaner than we found it. If there is a mistake or error, we will make it right as soon as possible with transparency and humility. Our goal is to be the septic company you call for decades to come.

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Septic Tank Cleaning Tacoma

Sometimes a standard pumping job will uncover growing issues, so it’s best if your septic company not only can pump out the tank, but can also provide repair and maintenance. While we have the expertise and licensing to provide these services alongside pumping, we do not ever do additional work that wasn’t originally estimated without communicating with you about the need, and what additional costs will be incurred first. You don’t need to worry about being charged more than you were expecting as we make our pricing transparent and fair. Call Upfront Septic for your septic service needs!

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